ancient robbiana Ø 52 cm plaster model for sculptors


Code art.: 15180
Price: 450,00 €
Stock availability: 1

Luca della Robbia (Florence, 1400 – Florence, 1482) was an Italian sculptor, ceramist and goldsmith.
He was an artist linked to the purest classicism, characterized by a style of great formal rigor and great attention to finishing and details. Today he is above all known for having perfected the glazed terracotta technique, launching a production that achieved great success for the mix of painting and sculpture and for its extraordinary resistance to atmospheric agents over time. His works, such as the refined Madonnas, portraits in the form of busts and sacred scenes, often have the beauty and expressive power of contemporary works by other great artists such as Donatello, Verrocchio and Filippo Lippi.

Sizes and weight are referred in Inches and Pounds
Diameter: 20.47
Thickness: 3.15
Weight: 26.46
Material: Gesso Alabastrino
Artist / Creator / Architect: 0
Historical period: 0         Tel. +39 0584 787016