Trumpet fish - large terracotta tile
Trumpet fish - large terracotta tile
Work in progress, first rough draft
Work in progress
Work in progress
Writing the scientific name
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress
Work in progress

Trumpet fish - large terracotta tile

1 Item

Macroramphosus scolopax Linnaeus 1758
Trumpet fish
Handmade in terracotta without the aid of "form", this is a real fired clay sculpture.
It represents 1:1 the max size of this fish in Atlantic Ocean.
It can be reordered, however please bear in mind that each piece will be different from the previous one, ask for a photo before shipping.


No tax Delivery: 1 to 6 weeks


Trumpet fish (Macroramphosus scolopax) is a marine fish of the family Centriscidae.

It is present in the eastern Atlantic Ocean between the gulf of Biscay and South Africa, in the Mediterranean Sea and in the eastern Atlantic, in warm temperate or subtropical waters. Some reports from Somalia are unconfirmed.

It is a characteristic inhabitant of the circalittoral plane and is found between 50 and 500 m of depth, usually between 100 and 250, on mainly muddy or coralline bottoms, often associated with wild boar fish.

Its appearance is so characteristic as to be unmistakable, in fact, in addition to a long tubular "snout" which leads to the small mouth at the apex, similar to that of pipefish or seahorses, this fish has a body of normal proportions, non-threadlike, laterally compressed and without scales.

The eye is quite large. The dorsal fins are two, set back, the first has a long and robust serrated spine, the second is very small. The anal is small and so are the ventral while the pectoral fins are a little bigger. The caudal fin is small, with a slightly concave edge. The body is armed with some protective cutaneous bone plates.

The color is uniformly silvery with pink hues.

It only exceptionally reaches 20 cm.

Made in Italy
Note 01
(Macroramphosus scolopax)