Flying fish in patinated terracotta
Flying fish in patinated terracotta
Flying fish in patinated terracotta

Flying fish in patinated terracotta

1 Item

Handmade in terracotta without the aid of a "shape", this is a real sculpture in baked clay.
Represents 1: 1 the average size of this fish.
On request it can be reproduced of any size.
It can be reordered, however please bear in mind that each piece will be different from the previous one, ask for a photo before shipping.


No tax Delivery: 1 to 6 weeks


Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes 1847), known in Italian as sea swallow, is a marine bony fish of the Exocoetidae family.

Made in Italy
Note 01
Hirundichthys rondeletii (Valenciennes 1847)